Don’t Fry on the Fairways

15, Jan 2022 | SolaCare

Golf’s a great game, or is that addiction…

But being out all day in the New Zealand summer sun can play havoc with your skin, with a massive risk of sun burn and over time of developing skin cancers.

So it pays to protect yourself.

All of the usual rules apply:

  • Try and stay out of the midday sun – tee off early if you can, and if possible rent a cart with a roof so you can shelter between shots, or at least protect yourself with an umbrella to keep the sun off.
  • Dress for the conditions – log sleeves, long pants and wide brimmed hats are the best, even if it’s a little hot – better to be a little hot than fry.
  • Use a lot of SPF50+ sunscreen and apply very regularly to all exposed skin – as frequently as every 30 minutes if it’s hot and you’re sweating a lot.

And what to do if you do get burnt…

To be honest, at Primal Herbaria we’re not golfers, and sun fried golfers hadn’t really entered our consciousness until one of our customers (Yan) got in touch.

His wife is a bit of a golf addict, playing daily at times, and occasionally she messes up and gets burnt where her skin is exposed. She was put onto SolaCare by another Primal Customer (thanks so much for spreading the word – you rock) and to quote Yan it “makes her more comfortable and heal fast so she can go back to golf”.

SolaCare doesn’t contain SPF so won’t protect you from the sun, but if you, like Yan’s wife, mess up on occasion and get burnt out on the fairways then SolaCare is a great way to help heal your skin and recover more quickly so you can get back to the course, and your next round as quickly as possible.

If you’re out on the fairways grab a jar of SolaCare and keep it in the medicine cabinet at home for those times when sunburn bites.